Theft Crime Statistics in Plano: An Analytical Overview

picture for theft

When it comes to theft crimes in Plano, the numbers can be both illuminating and startling. As a community, understanding these statistics is crucial for prevention and awareness. At The Fox Firm, we believe that information is power. That’s why we’ve compiled this analytical overview of theft crime statistics in Plano.

What Constitutes a Theft Crime?

Before diving into the numbers, it’s essential to understand what constitutes a theft crime. Simply put, theft involves unlawfully taking someone else’s property with the intent to deprive them of it. In Texas, the severity of the theft offense depends on the value of the property stolen and other aggravating factors. For a detailed breakdown, visit our Theft Practice Areas.

Petty Theft vs. Grand Theft

In Texas, theft crimes are categorized based on the value of the stolen goods. Petty theft involves items valued under $2,500, while grand theft deals with amounts exceeding that figure. Both come with their own sets of legal consequences. For a more detailed explanation of the differences, check out our blog post on Petty Theft and Grand Theft in Texas.

Key Statistics in Plano

Property Crime Rates

While violent crimes often grab headlines, property crimes, including theft, make up the bulk of criminal offenses in Plano. According to statistics from neighborhood scout:

  • Property crimes account for about 91% of all reported criminal activities in Plano.
  • Of these, nearly 65% are categorized as theft crimes.

Demographic Patterns

Some may find it surprising that theft crimes are committed by individuals across a wide range of ages and socioeconomic statuses. A comprehensive analysis, however, reveals that a significant percentage of theft crimes involve juveniles and young adults between the ages of 15 and 25.

Types of Theft

  • Shoplifting constitutes approximately 35% of all theft crimes.
  • Theft of personal items, like mobile phones and wallets, account for another 30%.
  • Auto theft and burglary make up the remaining percentages.

For a deeper dive into the consequences associated with shoplifting, visit our page on Shoplifting Punishments.

Statute of Limitations

The clock is always ticking when it comes to legal repercussions for theft crimes. In Texas, the statute of limitations varies based on the severity of the crime. To learn more about these time frames, visit our page on the Statute of Limitations for Theft Crimes in Texas.

When Does Theft Become a Felony?

In Texas, theft becomes a felony when the stolen property is valued at $2,500 or more, or when certain aggravating factors are present. A felony charge can carry significantly stiffer penalties, including jail time. For more information, see our post on When Does Theft Become a Felony in Texas.

What Can Be Done?

As a community, education and awareness are the first steps toward prevention. Neighborhood watch programs and increased vigilance can go a long way in reducing theft crimes. Additionally, business owners can invest in advanced security systems to deter potential thieves.


Theft crimes are a prevalent issue in Plano, and understanding the statistics is the first step toward prevention and justice. Whether you’re interested in protecting your community or find yourself facing theft charges, knowledge is crucial. Always remember, if you are facing theft charges, it’s critical to consult a lawyer immediately for your best possible defense.

For more information on how The Fox Firm can assist you, don’t hesitate to reach out. We believe in fair and just legal representation for everyone, and our founding attorney, Sarah Fox, brings her experience as a former Collin County prosecutor to fight for your rights. Stay informed, and make smart choices for your community and yourself.