Statute of Limitations for Theft Crimes in Texas

a clock and calendar illustrating the statute of limitations to be charged for a crime in Texas

In Texas, a statute of limitations applies to criminal prosecutions, including theft crimes. This means that a person accused of a crime must be charged with the crime within the specified time period or else they cannot be prosecuted. So, what is the statute of limitations for theft crimes in Texas? Let’s take a look.

Theft Crimes Defined

In order to understand the statute of limitations for theft crimes in Texas, it’s important to know exactly what qualifies as theft. Generally speaking, “theft” is defined as any act where an individual knowingly and intentionally steals property without permission from another individual or entity. This can include things like shoplifting, petty theft, grand theft, larceny, fraud and embezzlement. It can also include more serious offenses such as armed robbery or burglary.

Statute of Limitations

In Texas, the statute of limitations is two years for most misdemeanors and three years for most felonies. In other words, if a defendant commits a felony like burglary or armed robbery in Texas, they have three years after the date of the offense before they can no longer be prosecuted. For misdemeanors like shoplifting or larceny (petty theft), they have two years after the date of the offense before they can no longer be prosecuted. The only exceptions are murder (no limit) and certain types of sexual assault (no limit).

What to Know about the Statute Of Limitations and Theft Crimes

It is important to note that this does not mean that if someone commits a felony or misdemeanor that was not reported immediately after it was committed that it will never be prosecuted; rather, it just means that there is an expiration date on when it can legally be prosecuted by law enforcement agencies in Texas. That said, someone who has been accused of a crime should seek legal help as soon as possible so their rights are protected and any available defenses are explored fully.

Hire a Theft Crime Attorney in Plano

In summary, the statute of limitations for theft crimes in Texas is two years for most misdemeanors and three years for most felonies—with some exceptions for certain types of sexual assault and murder cases. It’s critical to understand this information if you are facing charges related to any type of theft-related crime because being aware of your rights under this law could help you protect them throughout your case proceedings. If you have been accused or charged with a theft crime in Plano, speak with an experienced attorney at The Fox Firm immediately since they know what to do after a theft charge and can help ensure your rights remain protected throughout your case proceedings.