In the past few years, there has been a surge in catalytic converter theft crimes in Dallas. In 2020, there were 655 thefts in Dallas.  That was up over 500% from 2019’s total of 123. In 2021 the theft count rose to 2,212; another increase of over 300%.  According to Dallas Police Department’s statistics (shown below), the trend is continuing to rise.  This is particularly concerning as this is not a petty theft crime as it costs anywhere from hundreds to over a thousand dollars to replace the stolen part.  This post will cover what a catalytic converter is and why people are stealing them, what law makers are doing about it, and what you can to to better protect your own vehicle’s catalytic converter from being stolen.

Dallas County Catalytic Converter Theft Stats

What is a Catalytic Converter?

The main purpose of a catalytic converter is to decrease the emissions from your engine.  A catalytic converter contains a ceramic honeycomb-like structure and is placed inline the exhaust system.  This structure is designed to maximize surface area and is coated with noble metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium.  These metals act as a catalyst which triggers a chemical reaction converting harmful exhaust gasses like nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide into nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water.  These precious metals are extremely valuable to metal recyclers.  While the price of metals fluctuates, thieves can get anywhere from $100 to over $1000 for a stolen catalytic converter.

What are Lawmakers Doing about the Continued Rise of Catalytic Converter Thefts?

In Texas, it is now a felony to steal a catalytic converter. In June 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 4110, which made it a state jail felony theft crime to steal, buy, or sell a stolen catalytic converter.

A state felony can get you six months to two years in state prison and a fine of up to $10,000. In addition, if a person has already been convicted of stealing a catalytic converter in Texas, they face a third-degree felony, which is punishable by 2 to 10 years in prison.

The new law requires, among other things, that people who sell catalytic converters give the year, make, model, and vehicle identification number of the car from which the part was taken. It also says that places that recycle metal must get a thumbprint from the person who sells them a catalytic converter. You could be breaking the law if you don’t follow these rules and it is a particularly difficult theft charge to beat.

Despite these new penalties and regulations in place, catalytic convertor theft continues to increase.  This rise in thefts has left many Dallas residents wondering how they can protect their vehicles.

How to Protect your Catalytic Convertor from Being Stolen

There are a few things you can do to protect your vehicle from catalytic converter theft:

  1. Park in well-lit areas or close to your home.
  2. Install security cameras around your property.
  3. Invest in a steering wheel lock or another type of physical deterrent.
  4. Get your vehicle’s VIN (vehicle identification number) etched into the converter itself. This makes it harder for thieves to sell the stolen item.
  5. Check with your insurance company to see if catalytic converter theft is covered under your policy.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.
  7. Spread the word to your neighbors and community members about this crime so that everyone can be on the lookout.
  8. Support local businesses that recycle catalytic converters and other scrap metal responsibly.
  9. Advocate for tougher penalties for those caught stealing converters or dealing in stolen scrap metal.
  10. Work with your city council members and state representatives to create laws that will help prevent this crime from happening in the first place.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself and your community from catalytic converter theft. Together, we can put an end to this crime wave!  

If you are facing theft charges, it is crucial to work with an experienced theft attorney who can help you navigate this complex legal process. So don’t hesitate – get in touch with a skilled criminal defense lawyer from The Fox Firm to learn more about how they can help you deal with any criminal charges.