In Texas, theft crimes are serious offenses that can result in harsh penalties.  A conviction for theft can mean jail time, a fine, or both.  If you have been charged with petty larceny in Texas, it is important to understand the charges against you and what you can do to defend yourself.  This blog post will provide an overview of theft charges in Texas and offer some tips on how to beat a theft charge.

What is Petty Theft in Texas?

In Texas, petty theft or petty larceny is defined as the unlawful taking of property with a value of less than $100.  Petty theft is classified as a Class C misdemeanor offense.  The penalties for petty theft are typically a small fine.

Texas Theft Charges by Value

If the value of the property stolen is $100 to $750, the offense is classified as a Class B misdemeanor.  As the value of the theft increases, the penalties become more severe.  If the value is $750 to $2,500, the crime is classified as a Class A misdemeanor.  Stealing something with this value could leave you facing penalties of up to $4,000 in fines and/or up to one year in jail.

Theft crimes can also be classified as felonies.  When a theft becomes a felony can depend on several factors.  Theft of goods valued at over $2,500 but less than $30,000 can be prosecuted as a state jail felony.  The penalty for this crime is a fine of $10,000 and/or up to two years in state jail.  Increasing the value to $30,000 up to $150,000 is a third degree felony, $150,000 to $300,000 a second degree felony, and over $300,000 becomes a first degree felony.

How to Beat a Theft Charge in Texas

There are many defenses that can be used to fight a theft charge in Texas.  Some of the most common defenses include:

  • The accused did not intend to permanently deprive the owner of the property
  • The accused had a good faith belief that they were entitled to the property
  • The property belonged to the accused
  • The property was stolen by someone else
  • The police conducted an illegal search and seizure
  • The value of the property was overestimated

An experienced criminal defense attorney will know which defense applies to your case and will fight hard to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

Hire a Lawyer for Theft Crimes

If you have been charged with a theft crime in Texas, it is important to take immediate action to protect your rights.  Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is the best way to ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of beating your charge.  Don’t risk going it alone; contact an attorney today to schedule a consultation to discuss your options.