What to Know About Protective and Restraining Orders in Plano

restraining order document

If you are facing family violence in Plano, Texas, it is important to understand the legal remedies available to protect you. In the state of Texas, individuals can file for a protective order or restraining order to provide them with protection from the person who is causing them harm or being victimized through different types of domestic violence. This blog post will provide an overview of protective orders and restraining orders in Plano, Texas.

What is a Protective Order?

A protective order (also known as a restraining order) is a court-issued document that legally prohibits someone from engaging in certain activities or going certain places. The purpose of the order is to keep an individual safe from physical harm or threats of harm, most commonly in situations of domestic violence. It does this by prohibiting the abuser from having contact with the victim, including coming within a certain distance of their home and workplace. It also prevents them from threatening or harassing them through phone calls, emails or other forms of communication.

In Plano, Texas, there are two types of protective orders: temporary and long-term (permanent). Temporary protective orders are issued on an emergency basis and last for up to 20 days. During that time period, both parties must appear in court for a hearing where the judge will decide whether to grant a long-term (permanent) protective order, which can last up to two years.

What is a Restraining Order?

Restraining orders are similar to protective orders, but they focus on protecting specific people rather than locations or activities. For example, if someone has been threatened by another person but does not want any contact with that person, then they can apply for a restraining order which would restrict that person from having contact with them for up to two years. Restraining orders can also be extended beyond two years if necessary, and they can be modified as needed so that both parties remain safe at all times.

Plano Lawyer That Can Help With a Restraining Order

Protecting yourself against family violence in Plano requires understanding your rights under state law and knowing what remedies are available to you. A crucial legal remedy available in is obtaining either a temporary or long-term (permanent) protective order or restraining order. Depending on your situation, it offers additional protection against potential harm stemming from family violence situations. If you have questions about filing for either type of order, contact The Fox Firm for a consultation, and we can help you determine how best to proceed with your case.