Modifying Child Custody in Texas: What You Need to Know

kids happy with their mom after a child custody modification

If you are a parent living in Texas and you wish to modify an existing child custody arrangement, there are several steps that you must take in order to make the process as smooth as possible. To ensure that your modification is successful, it’s important to understand the legal process for modifying child custody in Texas. Let’s dive into what you need to know.

Understanding the Types of Modification of Child Custody

In Texas, there are two types of modifications that can be made to an enforced child custody order: temporary orders and permanent orders. Temporary orders usually last up to 90 days and can be requested if there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original court order was issued. On the other hand, permanent orders can be made if it is determined that a more lasting modification is necessary due to changes in lifestyle or family dynamics.

Filing for Modification of Child Custody

When filing for modification, it is best practice to use an experienced attorney who specializes in family law and understands the complexities of child custody cases and arrangements. Your attorney will work with you to create an argument as to why a change needs to be made and help you through the legal process. It is important that all paperwork is filled out accurately and completely before submitting your request for modification of joint custody or other child custody arrangement.

The Court Process for Modifying Child Custody

Once your petition for modification has been filed, both parties will receive notification from the court about their upcoming hearing date. During this hearing, both parties will present their arguments and any evidence they have gathered which supports their case. The judge may also request additional information such as psych evaluations or financial statements from either party before making their final decision on whether or not to modify the existing order. Once all necessary information has been provided and reviewed by the judge, they will make their ruling on whether or not a modification should be granted.

Child Custody Lawyer in Plano

Modifying an existing child custody arrangement can seem like an intimidating process but with the help of an experienced family law attorney, it doesn’t have to be! Remember that understanding the types of modifications available, properly filing your petition for modification, and preparing for your court hearing are essential steps when trying to successfully modify your child custody arrangement in Texas. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to navigate this difficult situation with confidence. Contact The Fox Firm for a child custody consultation and we can help modify your current arrangement.