How a Sex Crime Charge Affects Custody and Visitation Rights

a girl hugging her father after visitation right become questionable
We get it—when you’re slapped with a criminal charge, the world seems to tilt off its axis. And when it involves a sex crime allegation? That tilt feels more like a nosedive, especially for parents worried about their kids. So, let’s break down the mess and see what’s at stake for your custody and visitation rights in Texas.

The First Domino: The Immediate Aftermath

Okay, deep breath. Once charged, things can change fast. If the alleged victim was a minor, courts might slap a protective order on you quicker than you can say “What just happened?”, preventing you from approaching minors—including your children. Yep, just based on allegations. For a deeper dive into protective orders, click here.

Custody Battles and the Court’s Perspective

Courts aren’t psychic, but they do have this “best interest of the child” mantra. If you’re facing charges, expect them to sift through every grain of your life with a fine-tooth comb when determining custody. And guess what? Evidence from the criminal case—those texts, online chats, or witness tales—might make a cameo in custody hearings. It’s tricky, so having a savvy criminal lawyer can make all the difference.

Visitation Rights: Navigating the Minefield

If the court thinks unsupervised visits are risky, they might saddle you with supervised ones. In dire situations, where they see a clear threat, they might even put the brakes on your visitation rights altogether. Got those rights, but feeling they’re on shaky ground? The other parent can throw a wrench in the works if they stumble upon new dirt related to the allegations. However, the right custody lawyer in Plano may be able to help.

After the Gavel Drops: The Post-Conviction World

A conviction is like the aftershock following the quake. Crimes against minors? That could see you kissing custody and visitation rights goodbye. And, getting on that public sex offender registry complicates things further. Dive into the nitty-gritty of sex crime regulations here.

The Silver Lining: Can You Regain Rights?

Dark clouds might be looming, but there’s always a silver lining. With some grit, determination, and a splash of legal wizardry, you might be able to claw back or tweak your rights. The court’s looking at:

  • The crime’s specifics (Was it severe? Was it a one-time thing?)
  • How much time has passed
  • Any steps you’ve taken towards redemption
  • Your bond with your child

If you can show you’ve turned a new leaf, undergone required therapies, hold a job, and have a supportive network, the court might just give you a nod.


Being charged with a sex crime feels like you’re stuck in a whirlwind, especially when your role as a parent hangs in the balance. But remember, every storm passes. With determination, the right guidance, and maybe a bit of luck, you can ride it out.

Stressed? Confused? Seeking a legal ally? Look no further than The Fox Firm. With the sharp mind of former Collin County prosecutor Sarah Fox, this Plano law firm knows how to navigate the stormy seas of such cases. You’re not on this turbulent journey alone. Reach out for a helping hand here to schedule a consultation.