When a couple separates the first thing each side needs to do is set healthy boundaries about how they are going to proceed. Expectations about living arrangements, communication, custody schedules, and financial projections all have to be set quickly and firmly. For a nonlawyer client who is also reeling emotionally from the devastation of the breakup, this can be a seemingly overwhelming task, but it is also a most important first step in the process. Hiring a lawyer is the best way to develop those boundaries in a healthy way and set expectations for the process, and ultimately for the outcome up front, and often is the piece of the puzzle that gives clients some peace of mind during a stressful time in their lives.

However, one of the biggest complaints I hear from potential clients is that all too often family law attorneys try to tell the client how to direct their case rather than help the client navigate the course they want for their specific situation. Many attorneys come in hot directing clients to fight this fight or make this concession before they really even get to know the ins and outs of the case and what the client ultimately needs or wants. Not at the Fox Firm. Our goal is to listen to your specific facts and your goals as a separating partner or concerned parent and assist you in crafting those healthy boundaries.

Do you need to help conserve costs? We can give you options and tips to do that. Do you want to try your hardest to remain civil for the sake of your children? We can do that. Do you know going into the process that every issue is going to be a fight? We can fight tooth and nail to protect you. Going through a divorce or a custody battle is undoubtedly one of the most emotional experiences a person can endure and the last thing a client in this situation needs is a lawyer who talks at you instead of a lawyer who listens to and brainstorms with you. At the Fox Firm, we don’t want to tell you how to run your case, we want to help collaborate with you to create a realistic and reasonable game plan that includes the healthy boundaries you’d like to see shape the direction of your family law journey.

Perhaps most importantly, we will advocate for those healthy boundaries. When children are involved, the last thing parents want to do is continuously engage in conflict with the other parent. As attorneys, we not only help you develop those healthy boundaries and expectations for your family law journey, but we also advocate with opposing counsel and in the courtroom for the enforcement of those boundaries. With dozens of criminaljury trials and thousands of hours of courtroom experience under her belt, Sarah Fox has the experience needed to have your back when things get heated. With the Fox Firm you can rest assured that you have an advocate to protect those important boundaries and fight for your best interest.