Someone arrested for DWI wearing a santa suit

It’s no secret that the holiday season brings a lot of cheer and joy. Unfortunately, it also brings an increase in DWIs (Driving While Intoxicated) in the Plano area. Many people are arrested for DWI during this time of year whether they were aware of the risks or not. So, which holidays have the highest DWI charges? Let’s take a look.

DWIs on New Years Eve

Without question, New Year’s Eve has the highest number of DWI charges out of any other holiday in Plano. This makes sense as many people are celebrating, drinking alcohol, and often getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. As such, there is an increased police presence on New Year’s Eve to try to catch anyone who may be driving while impaired.

DWIs on Christmas/Thanksgiving

The days before and after Christmas and Thanksgiving can also be dangerous when it comes to drunk driving. People are visiting family and friends during these times, and they may be more likely to drink alcohol than usual. In addition, there can be heavy traffic due to holiday travel, making it difficult for drivers who are under the influence to stay within their lanes and follow traffic laws.

July 4th DWI

July 4th is another holiday that sees an increase in DWI charges in the Dallas area due to all of the celebrating that takes place around Independence Day. People gather together on this day for barbecues or fireworks displays, both of which often involve alcohol consumption. The roads become more crowded with people travelling back home after these events – some of whom may have had too much to drink – making them more susceptible to being pulled over by police officers looking for impaired drivers.

St Patrick’s Day  DWI

St Patrick’s Day is yet another holiday where people tend to indulge in alcoholic beverages – something that can lead to higher numbers of drunk driving arrests in Plano on this day as well. Police officers will be on patrol throughout the city looking for those who might have had one too many drinks before getting behind the wheel.

DWI Defense Attorney in Plano

Drunk driving is always a serious issue regardless of what time of year it is – but there are certain holidays where it becomes particularly important not to get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking alcohol. The holidays discussed above all see an increased number of DWI charges each year due to celebratory drinking activities that take place during these times . So if you plan on consuming alcohol at any point during these holidays – or any other day throughout the year – please remember not to drive afterwards! Always designate a driver or use public transportation whenever possible so you don’t end up putting yourself or others at risk due to drunk driving! If you do happen to face a DWI charge, get with a DWI defense attorney at The Fox Firm for a consultation to help determine your best defense.