Understanding the Divorce Process Timeline in Texas

person signing divorce decree

The divorce process can be a trying and confusing experience for anyone, especially if you are unfamiliar with the timeline of the divorce process. If you or someone you know is considering getting divorced in Texas, it is important to understand how long it can take to get divorced in the state. Let’s break down what you need to know about the divorce timeline in Texas.

Grounds for Divorce

The first step in understanding how long it takes to get a divorce in Texas is familiarizing yourself with the grounds for divorce. You don’t have to prove fault grounds in order to get a divorce in Texas. However, the grounds on which you base your request for divorce may affect the outcome of your divorce settlement. Fault grounds include adultery, cruelty, conviction of a felony, and abandonment.  No-fault grounds include living apart (for three years or more), confinement in a mental hospital (for at least three years), or insupportability.

Filing for Divorce and Waiting Period

The next step is filing your petition for divorce with your county clerk’s office. Once you have filed your petition, your spouse will have 20 days to respond to it. After they have responded, then comes what’s known as the “waiting period”—the 60-day period that begins after either party files their answer or waiver of citation. This waiting period is an opportunity for both parties to attempt reconciliation before continuing with the proceedings.

Finalizing Your Divorce

If neither party attempts reconciliation during this time frame and all other legal requirements have been met (including paperwork like a divorce settlement agreement being properly completed and filed), then you may proceed with finalizing your divorce by attending a court hearing and receiving a final decree of divorce from a judge. It usually takes around four months from start to finish to complete the entire process—from filing petitions through obtaining a final decree from a judge—but this can vary depending on individual circumstances such as delays due to backlogs at court clerks’ offices or complexity of issues involved in any given case.

Plano Divorce Attorney

While every situation is unique and timelines may vary depending on individual circumstances, understanding how long it takes to get divorced in Texas can help provide peace of mind when navigating through this difficult process. It is important that divorcing couples become familiar with the grounds for divorce as well as filing requirements and timelines so that they are aware of their rights throughout each step of the process. This includes attending court hearings and receiving final decrees from judges. With proper knowledge, divorcing couples will be better prepared as they go through each stage of their own personal journey towards finding closure while remaining respectful towards each other during this trying time. Contact The Fox Firm for a divorce consultation in Plano.