At The Fox Firm we are always striving to find ways to better serve our clients and their needs. We understand that our clients find us in the hardest of times and it is important to us to do what we can to ease the process. With that goal in mind, The Fox Firm is proud to announce three new tools that will be implemented beginning March 1st, 2022 to better assist you along the way.

Open Office Hours

Have questions about your case? Maybe just questions about the process in general? Ask them during our monthly open office hours call! The first Wednesday of every month from 3-5 pm, The Fox Firm will host open office hours via zoom where any current client can call in and ask any questions they have without being billed on their case. On the first day of each month, clients will receive an email with a zoom link for that month’s open office hours call and they can simply call in via zoom with their video off and name changed to protect their identity and privacy. Of course attorneys and staff of the Fox Firm will still be available to answer any questions or meet outside of open office hours, but this will serve as a free dedicated time each month to be available to all of our clients. Our first open office hours call will take place Wednesday, March 2nd!

Extended Office Hours

We understand that most of our clients work during the same hours we work which can make it hard to come in for consultations or meetings. With that in mind, anyone who needs to meet with attorney Sarah Fox outside of work hours can now meet with her before the work day begins. Every Tuesday morning, Sarah will be available to meet via zoom as early as 6:30 am, or in person as early as 7 am, giving you time to meet with your attorney and still get to the office on time!

Protection Cards

It’s no secret that many of our clients come to The Fox Firm because they had some sort of interaction with law enforcement, and the number one question clients and nonclients have is always “What do I do if the police try to talk to me?” That’s why we will be providing all clients with a Fox Firm protection card to carry in their wallet if they’re ever again faced with questions from the police. These cards will resemble credit cards and contain our contact information on one side and an inscription on the other side that informs law enforcement that you are represented by our firm and are immediately invoking your Miranda rights to not answer any questions, and directing the reader to call us for any further information. By law you must always be willing to identify yourself by name and date of birth, but if you are ever approached by the police, simply hand them this card after providing your identifying information and rest assured that The Fox Firm is protecting your rights even when we can’t be there with you in person.