Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Your DWI Case

If you’ve been charged with a DWI in the Dallas area, it can be a confusing and overwhelming experience. Although it is possible to navigate the legal system on your own, hiring an attorney is highly recommended. From their expertise to their ability to advocate and...

Field Sobriety Tests in Texas

Field sobriety tests are regularly used by officers when they suspect someone of driving while intoxicated (DWI). These tests are administered on the side of the road, in a parking lot, or wherever the traffic stop occurs, making for less-than-ideal conditions. ...

How to Get A DWI Charge Sealed in Texas

How to Get A DWI Charge Sealed? If you’ve been convicted of driving while intoxicated, you understand how fear and uncertainty can dominate your concerns for both the immediate and distant future. What penalties will you face? How long will the charge affect other...

The Penalties For DWI in Texas

The consequences of driving while intoxicated (DWI) can affect you long after the initial penalties are over and done. However, if you’re like most people faced with DWI charges, your focus is probably on your upcoming court hearing.  Here is some preliminary...

What to do When Pulled Over for a DWI in Texas

Getting pulled over is a nerve-racking experience, regardless of the circumstances that led up to the traffic stop. If you’ve been drinking and driving, those police lights flashing in your rearview mirror are a terrifying sight. Texas law is strict about both driving...