Commercial Driver DWI: The Additional Risks and Penalties in Texas

truck driver drinking

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) poses significant risks and severe penalties for all drivers in Texas, but for commercial drivers, the stakes are even higher. Commercial drivers include anyone who operates commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses, or vehicles that carry hazardous materials. Given their responsibility for larger vehicles and the potential for greater harm, Texas imposes stricter standards and harsher penalties on commercial drivers convicted of DWI. Understanding these risks and penalties is crucial for any commercial driver operating within the state.

Stricter Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Standards

For most drivers in Texas, the legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08%. However, for commercial drivers, the threshold is much lower. Texas law sets the BAC limit for commercial drivers at just 0.04%, reflecting the increased responsibility these drivers hold. The role of BAC in determining impairment is critical, and understanding how BAC affects your ability to drive legally is essential for all commercial drivers (The Role of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in Texas DWI Cases).

Enhanced Penalties for Commercial Drivers

The penalties for a DWI can be severe, particularly for those with a commercial driver’s license (CDL). A first-time DWI conviction can result in the suspension of the commercial driver’s license for one year, which is four times longer than the suspension for non-commercial drivers. For commercial drivers who are convicted of a DWI while transporting hazardous materials, the suspension period jumps to three years. Multiple convictions can lead to a lifetime disqualification from holding a CDL, which can end a professional driving career permanently.

Impact on Employment

Beyond the immediate legal consequences, a DWI conviction can have a devastating impact on a commercial driver’s professional life. Many employers in the transportation sector have zero-tolerance policies for alcohol-related offenses. A DWI conviction can result in job loss and the inability to secure future employment in commercial driving. This can have long-lasting effects on one’s livelihood and professional reputation.

Legal Defense for Commercial Drivers

Given the severe implications of a DWI conviction for commercial drivers, having an experienced DWI attorney is critical. A knowledgeable lawyer can help challenge the DWI charge by questioning the accuracy of the BAC testing methods, the legality of the traffic stop, or the conduct of the field sobriety tests. For more tips on what to do if you’re pulled over and suspected of DWI, visit What to Do When Pulled Over for a DWI in Texas.

Expunging a DWI Record

While expunging a DWI conviction in Texas is challenging, it’s not impossible under certain circumstances. Having a DWI conviction sealed can help commercial drivers restore their reputation and secure their ability to work. For more information on navigating this process, check out How to Get a DWI Charge Sealed in Texas.


The risks and penalties associated with a DWI are significantly enhanced for commercial drivers in Texas. Protecting your license, livelihood, and legal rights is not just advisable—it’s imperative. If you’re a commercial driver facing a DWI charge, contacting a skilled DWI defense attorney can make a critical difference in the outcome of your case. Visit our DWI defense page for more information on how we can help protect your rights and your future.